Thursday 27 October 2005
i sat in front of the framed up poster of the many campbell tomato soup can. i could sit to look at it because the poster was standing on the floor since we've just moved houses. so i stared into it for quite sometime. i stared... trying to make some sense out of the poster. there was no CGI back then and it was like no other art i've seen prior to this one. i was confused... i couldnt understand the cans at all and why my father could not give me an explanation.
It's not that easy falling in love. I mean, reading his blog and him reading my blog, we both know what it takes to fall in love. Been there, done that… we've been seeing other people before but nothing really transpired. So, how do you really decide to fall in love??? I dunno…
He dissolved me. He, like, dissolved me. One look and his heart went stopping because he'd thought I would have disappeared. It wasn't fair that I was still there. He thought that when you fucked girls they went away. And I tried to "go away." But I was too loud. I was too fucking loud for him to want to die for me. I was too fucking loud for him to forgive me. I was too fucking loud for him to look at me right. Yes, there is a right way and a wrong way to look at a girl the next day. One look suggests promise, and the other suggests that promise has been depleted. I know I should have come with a sign tagged to my forehead that reads, "Do not hook up with this girl," but too fucking bad. Go to hell for being such a hotshot that can't actually play with fire but goes around saying they can all day long.
meizhEn bdaY cOming n we still don neo wat tO buY fOr her~ mayb buy jacket or cd...think she'll like it bahz..hahaah...her bday is On 1st of nOv..same wif heLLO kiTTy..den fOllow up is yayi wan den my bday...hahahah..caNt waIt lOhz..
Sue Pietrie, a 40-year-old account rep at a Los Angeles media firm, had a second date with a man who has relationship potential. She's been out with at least six men since a breakup last year, and she likes this gentleman, a city employee in his mid 30's, But she has a secret that has scared a few dates away: Ms. Pitrie just bought several apartment buildings and a home of her own. "I've been burned by my past experiences," Ms. Pietre says. She's withholding her homeownership status -- like her M.B.A. degree -- until things get "serious," she says.
Why do we maintain journals in the public domain? I wonder if its for the same reason that criminals like to leave clues - because deep down, we all want to be found out.
Latley, and most likely do to my unhealthy eating, Ive developed a pain in my chest every morning when I wake up. I'm happy to say that i dont have that right now! I woke up 15 minutes earlier than usual and I'm actually hungry!
How many 55 year old women are awaken in the middle of the night by 2 chinchillas running up and down her body and sitting on her shoulder looking at her face and tickling her with their very long whiskers. Chinchillas are such very smart and sweet little guys, it breaks my heart that humans kill them in order to skin them. But then in Asia, some dogs are killed for their fur.
we have some rogam stuff there so that we can build stronger ties with the opposite ender, DAW.. hahahaha! anyway, tomorrow is the day wen jem's going to celerate his birthday even though it was last week. so he invited me and almost half of the class to Crown Plaza, a hotel near galleria. man his rich!! he had 5 rooms just for all of his friends! wow! we'll be staying overnyt so most likely we'll go straight to our soph nyt.
BTW when the hell did Temasek have a 'Crime Lab' filled with DNA stuff in the first place? Try building a Life Sciences Lab instead of some stupid resting home shelter for kids when there is a den! Try to follow the success of Dunman!
hahahahah!! good day to all of you people!! hope you had a happy day!! hahahha congrats to all those who did well and as for those who did not do so well, work harder!!hahahaha success comes with a lot of hard work!! hahahahha!!!but do relax once in a while and have enough sleep!!
Hannah Tan was one of the judges. She's so sporting. The photo guys were swarming all over her after the event. I got a shot too.
today so so sway la. ughh. yea. n itz all desiree`s fault. lol eekk... first thing in the morning see yucky. XD desiree! i shant follow u anywhere le. jinx. xp hee.. jk. yea. then the rest of the day yucky seemed to appear evrywhere. -.- next thing. i smile also cannot smile at the correct people. argh! yea. itz desiree`s fault again. dammit.
Last night at the bar, a drunk girl was warning my friends and I about the dangers of exploding. She said to prevent explosion, you can take anti-exploding pills. According to her, they sell them at 7-11's and drugstores. Strictly under the counter though. In fact, you need to know the secret word, and THEN they will sell them to you.
Sure Malbec has an awful reputation. The name itself does not sound too appealing. In French, it sounds like "that which hurts the mouth"... "mal au bec" "mal à la bouche"... Yet, it is another lesser know variety that ought to be discovered.
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