Tuesday 11 October 2005
What would you call your kids if you had six, like the brady bunch - three boys and three girls, though the order need not be the same for ages? I arrived at the following, though they are subject to change.
I decided to play a some $3/$6 Full Table Limit and $5/$10 Full Table Limit to work my way towards clearing the $150 bonus. I could always "sit-out" without any consequences whenever Charlie woke up or needed attention. I played a Turbo $55+$5 SNG and came in 4th thanks to some bad luck, but mainly due to the fact that it became a crap shoot once we were 4 handed.
In the kingdom of Denmark, a Muslim cleric is causing a stir by demanding revenge by the 'righteous sword of the Prophet" for sketches of Mohamed published by a daily newspaper. Although his words doesn't mean more than that we will all be judged by God, he doesn't make it easier for him by choosing this kind of language. Yet, we have no reason to blame him. That a national paper chose to print depictions of Mohamed in spite of common knowledge that it is sacrilegious to Islam is outrageous.
Novakovich has published two short-story collections, two collections of personal essays and several other works, including a textbook on fiction writing. Infidelities, published in September, is a collection of 11 short stories all connected in some way to the war in the former Yugoslavia in the early 1990s.
The Wadden Sea is located on the northern coast of the Netherlands, Germany and Denmark and is the primary breeding ground for North Sea fish. With its sand bars, mud flats, salt marshes, dunes and dikes plus an enormous food supply, it attracts a huge bird populations plus a large group of seals.
Daisy's new boyfriend, the wealthy Captist playboy, Romeo, looked on sceptically while Pansi talked. Elizabeth tried to listen, but was distracted by the Cave Troll, who gave a loud and prolonged belch while Pansi was talking. Apparently the antipasto at the reception had given him heartburn, or perhaps disagreed with his tricolon. Dr. Doo-Doo was on hand, though, to give him something for his trouble.
i dun need YOU! to run my life for me.
u are ten thousand times better than me
thanks for lettting me noe
i alrady noe.
Like the chirpings of the birds in the spring, the flowers in my heart blooms with every heart beat that comes.
Like the moonlight that guards over the dark sky, my heart beats like making my whole body functions.
Darling, do you remember when we first met? It was in Heathrow airport, England. From the moment I stepped off the plane we were in love. I caught myself staring at you, yet you didn't seem to mind. Ah, the awkward ways we meet.
Bush has another big appointment coming up. Perhaps he'll appoint his accountant as Chairman of the Fed? I mean the two are loosely related, they deal with numbers and all...
1. e4 d5 2. exd5 Qxd5 3. Nc3 Qa5 4. Bc4 e6 5. Nf3 Nc6 6. d4 Bb4 7. Bd2 Nf6 8. a3 Bxc3 9. Bxc3 Qf5 10. O-O O-O 11. Re1 Re8 12. Bd3 Qd5 13. Ne5 Nxe5 14. Rxe5 Qd6 15. Bb4 c5 16. Bxc5 Qc6 17. a4 b6 18. Bb5 1-0
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