Tuesday 20 December 2005
You know what sucks? When you are hungry... for breakfast... because you're up so late.
The fabulous Katie Holmes turned 27 years old on Sunday, and the very pregnant girlfriend of Tom Cruise took her traveling birthday party to Miami according to a published report.
I called the wrong number..
I called his number!
Damned Damned Damned
Much speaks about Raikkonen, because the press spoke these last months much about them. About other, more discrete speaks about Montoya, which has much disappointed this year. Then which? And well Ron Dennis, following the signature of Fernando Alonso declared: "I want to join together best moment". Thus the logic of will of Mr Dennis is to have Alonso with dimensioned of Raikkonen.
You're not Japanese, but you wish you were!You can use chopsticks with your eyes closed, and you've memorized hundreds of Kanji.You even answer your phone "moshi moshi."
While the number of anime videos you've seen is way higher than the number of dates you've been on, there's hope.
I stubbed my big toe the other day; If complications set in then I shall await a congressional investigation and perhaps a multi-billion dollar study by OSHA to determine the best way to avoid toe injuries in and out of the work place.
her: "you were taping me, weren't you. weren't you?? '
me: no. (I lie)
her: liar! your a liar, liar pants tony danza!
pants pants tony danza. Liar liar pants tony danza.
Eventually she gets up and staggers away, not after I am cruelly, cruelly treated to a vision of her falling over and attempting to get back up. Naked. Except for a showercap.
I told the store attendant that I wanted some tracksuit pants, and immediately three men surrounded me. What design would sir like?
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